Owing to the Coronavirus, COVID-19, and the requirement for spatial separation, it became necessary to readapt our programs and activities to seniors and the community. We are providing to-go lunches for pick -up, between 40 – 60 daily. We are delivering 60 – 70 lunches and meals on Wednesday and Friday.
We also provide 80 basic grocery essentials delivered on Wednesday and Friday’s. We deliver hot meals and to-go lunches as well as the purchase of supplemental foods for the grocery essential bags that we deliver. We have been picking up prescription drugs for seniors as needed and daily have been offering health and wellness calls. Other activities include helping seniors complete forms for entitlement benefits such as food assistance and unemployment support.
We are maintaining office hours, 8:30 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday for this purpose. Staff and several volunteers are on-site daily helping to prepare and bag groceries, acting as drivers to deliver hot meals, and cold to go boxed lunches. Those picking up lunches can come through the front door and get them. We are practicing spatial distance. All staff members have their own offices. The dining hall is ample spacing for the preparation of bagging the to go hot meals, boxed lunches, and groceries to be delivered.
Staff and volunteers have all been provided masks and nitrile gloves for usage. Seniors can feel free to call CASC for assistance.
On Friday, April 24th Swedish Hospital set up tents and did testing for us at FAME Church, 1522 14th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122, from 10 am – 4 pm, for the Coronavirus. It was drive through testing by appointment only. 85 seniors were tested. There was NO CHARGE FOR TESTING! TESTING WAS FREE. However, through an IT error some people received a bill from Swedish for $201.00. These bills have all been retracted. A computer glitch generated them. Call us if you have any questions. 206-726-4926. Swedish apologizes for this confusion.