
Metro Bus Information

CASC is on Metro bus route #14. Get off on Jackson St. at 30th Ave South. Walk one block south to The Central.

Non-Discrimination Policy

We do not discriminate against clients, applicants, volunteers, or employees based on race, color, creed, religion, gender or gender identity, age, national origin, marital status, sensory or physical or mental handicap, political ideology, or sexual orientation; reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities is the norm.

CASC Policy Statement

The classes and workshops offered at the Central Area Senior Center are useful and informative. We do not endorse any products or programs. It is the individual’s responsibility to make informed decision regarding these issues. Fees include Washington State Sales Tax where applicable.

+ Membership

Annual Membership dues are $60.00.

Annual Membership dues are $60.00. You can pay any time throughout the year on a revolving basis and are good for twelve months. You can pay ($5.00) monthly to reach the full $60.

Dues include subscription to The Connector and discounts on programs and extraordinary events including Green Dolphin Lounge, the Annual Seafair Patio Party, Family Friendly, Holiday Gala and field trips.

Lifetime Memberships are available for $500.00.

Lifetime Memberships are available for a payment of $500.00.Lifetime Memberships are also revolving (They need not be specific to a January – December calendar).

You can make payments weekly ($10), monthly ($42), quarterly ($125.00) and/or in one payment of $500.00 by Cash, Credit/Debit or Checks.

Lifetime Members receive special recognition in newsletters and communication pieces, discounts on CASC programs and activities.

Lifetime Members attend extraordinary events full of surprises that may include guest speakers and presentations along with other ambiances of food and entertainment. Please use the Membership Registration form on the website to join today. Allow 2-4 weeks for the processing of your membership form.


Please contact
Dian Ferguson, Director
(206) 726-4926
Fax: (206) 323-9928