
+ Vaccine

Pop Up Vaccine Clinic

Greetings!  CASC is scheduled to host the City of Seattle Fire Department at FAME Church on Tuesday, April 13th for a Moderna Vaccine Pop-Up clinic.  The clinic is by appointment only. 

Our priority is for older adults, African Americans and BIPOC, as I think many haven’t for a variety of reasons, not yet been vaccinated, however, anyone 18 and up would be eligible for the vaccines.  Those persons 16 and 17 would not be able to be vaccinated at this time.  The clinic will be using the Moderna vaccine.  Only the Pfizer vaccine is allowed and approved for usage with those 16 and 17. 

I am attaching the most recent vaccine updated information.  The process remains the same,  we would need to capture, your name, address, phone, email (if one is available and/or use someone’s email who is close to you), and DOB.  Our partners for the April 13th Moderna Vaccine Pop-up Clinic is FAME Church, Mt. Zion and First Student’s, the bus drivers for Seattle Public Schools.

FYI, On Friday of last week, I was in a Zoom Meeting with King County Public Health representatives.  According to them, 85% of elders 65 and over have been vaccinated.  However, of this population, they say only 40% of the African American elders in the Central District and King County have been vaccinated.  I questioned them about this data and asked are these numbers accurate?  My thoughts are that within the Central District, the data doesn’t account for those who no longer live in the Central District.  They told me they really didn’t know, but it was a good question.  Please call us at 206-726-4926 if you would like to sign up for the clinic on Tuesday, April 13th.   Dian